Quote of the Day

“I don’t think I could have a higher opinion of any footballer than I already had of the Irishman, but he rose even further in my estimation at the Stadio Delle Alpi. The minute he was booked and out of the final he seemed to redouble his efforts to get the team there. It was the most emphatic display of selflessness I have seen on a football field. Pounding over every blade of grass, competing if he would rather die of exhaustion than lose, he inspired all around him. I felt it was an honour to be associated with such a player.”
Sir Alex Ferguson (on Roy Keane after the European Cup semi-final in 1999)
English soccer manager

Sunday, July 27, 2008

U13 Boys Game Report

The clouds separated as the CESA 95 Premier walked across the sunlit Green fields belonging to club Belvedere. The setting was spectacular and the Parents from both sides of the Atlantic sat along the sidelines watching their young sons play some exciting soccer. Kudos should be made to Nathan “11” and Belvedere’s #15 who kept the pressure on during the whole game with their speed and tenacity.

The first half had Joe, Brennan, Connor, Chris in mid, Keaton and Rafael strikers, and Rackley, Connor Mc and Trevor defending. The feisty Irishmen had speed and quick moves that kept the midfield moving and defense on their toes. Coupled with some “serious” officiating it was a close game with 0-0 until the final 30 seconds of the 1st half.
The ref granted a “water break” to both teams and CESA players waited as the Irish had some refreshments. Not needing a reprieve Trevor Thompson had a great cross that Chris finished with finesse for a beautiful goal for a 1-0 lead.

The second half had Chris and our left footers keeping #11 and #15 at bay and allowed some great opportunities for Grayson and Ryan to make some beautiful shots on goal. They played tough taking on Belvo players while the other team was called on penalties with threats of expulsion. Keaton and Brennan survived and medics not needed. Donohue dominated the left side of the field with his fancy footwork that was evident in this calmness as he touched in a beautiful goal taking advantage of the Goalie and defense. CESA’s goalie Ravon came out running on couple of breakaways that secured his 1st international shutout.

All in all the kids played great and had a great time playing a team that is actually younger in soccer years. It was a first to be the giants on the field filled with lightning fast competitors. Will keep you posted on tomorrow’s game.

Game Report by Susie Koslow

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